Tour Leader: Mark Papich
Senior Engineer - Integrated Capital Management
The Cochran Basin, situated within Spokane's city limits, is a natural basin encompassing approximately 5,160 acres. It constitutes about 60% of the city's municipal separate stormwater system (MS4). With around 26% impervious surfaces, the basin generates significant stormwater runoff due to its impermeable nature. Some of the runoff is managed on-site through swales and drywells for treatment and infiltration. Any remaining runoff is conveyed through roads, catch basins, and pipes. Ultimately, untreated stormwater is discharged into the Spokane River through an outfall near the TJ Meenach Drive Bridge, contributing to low dissolved oxygen levels downstream.
To address this issue, stormwater facilities will be constructed in the Downriver Park to divert the majority of the basin's stormwater runoff for treatment, reducing pollutant loading in the river. These facilities will utilize natural bioretention for treatment and subsequent infiltration: disc golf course, golf course, TJ Meenach Swales and River Access at TJ Meenach Bridge.
In addition to stormwater facility implementation, the project presents an opportunity for the City to enhance recreation experiences in the Downriver corridor. Existing recreation access points will be improved using current land use best practices.
Transportation: Bus will depart and return from the Spokane Convention Center.
Capacity: 30 guests - SOLD OUT
Registration Fee: $25 (member) | $35 (nonmember)*
* Paid guests welcome with paid conference attendee.